Excellence through partnership
Monday 28th November
The strange happenings continue - in the KS1 assembly this morning a message had been left from someone called Cupcup. The children were faced with a challenge in assembly to answer questions that helped Cupcup to evolve. The question and story allowed the children to make decisions about respect. I wonder if Cupcup has landed his rocket on our playground to see how the children at Cape are respectful of one another?
Friday 25th November
Three little girls from Reception have this morning been to Miss Baker to tell her about the visitors from the sky. Two of the girls think that our visitors might be aliens and one little girl thinks it is a colourful, invisible ghost! Please keep your eyes open and see if you can find out any more information.
Lunchtime Update:
A Year 4 pupil believes the 'rocket' belongs to an Alien that cannot be seen. He has visited Reception to find out what they know about the mysterious object!