Excellence through partnership
Dear Parents,
Regretfully we need to close out year 1, 4 and 6 bubbles due to confirmed cases of COVID-19. Unfortunately this is due to a family with siblings in different year groups, we must stress it is NOT linked to the staff member in Year 5. We will keep the school website updated as soon as we have more information. Children in these year groups must self isolate but siblings in Nursery, Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 may come to school. If your child feels at all unwell then please contact your GP or 111 and inform school.
For all information about COVID-19 please follow the link: https://www.capeprimary.com/covid-19-coronavirus/
Work will be set online by teachers by 9.30am this morning for Purple Mash and Education City. There will also be additional activities for the day on the individual class pages by 10.00am.
I am sure you will join us in wishing the family a speedy recovery.
Miss Baker