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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Staff working in Year 2:

2A- Miss Chigara 

2B- Miss Mawdsley 

2C- Mrs Cleal

Miss Devi and Mrs Harwood




Our P.E days are:

2A- Thursday

2B- Wednesday 

2C- Swimming on a Thursday


You need to have your PE kit in school. You will need: 

- a house t-shirt (speak to your teacher if you need to know what colour you need)

- a pair of black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms 

-a pair of pumps or trainers 


Please remember to remove all jewellery on PE and swimming days 



In English...

We will be looking at stories surrounding the seaside's. They will be focusing on writing their own narrative, instruction writing and then they will be writing an acrostic poem and information leaflet. First we will be looking at– ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ they will be writing their own alternative narrative. Where they will have to use skills learnt in previous terms to support their writing. After that they will be writing a set of instructions for how to make a Lighthouse sandwich. Later in the term they will be reading the book- ‘Seaside Holidays Then and Now’. They will be using the book to write a acrostic poem about the seaside and then an information leaflet about what to do at the seaside.


In Phonics...

This term, we will continue our Little Wandle Phonics sessions where we focus on the application of Phonics two times a day and also 1 reading session a day.

Some children will be re-taking their phonics screening check in June alongside Year 1. 

The children will learn to read different graphemes and be able to use this knowledge to read and write different words. Once children have progressed to the end of Little Wandle they will have daily SPaG lessons which focus on spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. During the reading session, children will have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary, decode words in order to read sentences. They will be encouraged to use prosody whilst reading and also answer comprehension questions based on what they have read.

Please ensure you log on to Collins Ebooks and read with your child. Books will be allocated every Friday.


In Maths... 

This term children will be introduced to fractions. They will be looking at a whole and parts of shapes and numbers as well as splitting shapes and numbers into equal and unequal parts. They will be learning about different fractions such as half, quarter and thirds. As well as recognising fractions when shaded in on a shape. The children will be introduced to time, where they will be telling the time to O'clock, half past, quarter to and past. They will also be telling the time in 5 minute intervals. They will look at how many minutes are in an hour and hours in a day. Children will be using the four operations to solve problems in the most efficient way. Children will then be moving on to position and direction and statistics.



In Science...

In Science children will identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats. They will identify that different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend upon each other. They will investigate food chains and understand how plants and animals rely on each other to survive.

Children will observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. They will learn about different types of seeds and how they are dispersed. They will grow beans and cress seeds and what they need to grow.


In Computing... 

In computing learners’  will understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. They will use given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. They will also learn about design in programming. They will develop artwork and test it for use in a program. They will design algorithms and then test those algorithms as programs and debug them.

Children begin to understand that sequences of commands have an outcome, and make predictions based on their learning. They use and modify designs to create their own quiz questions in Scratch Jr, and realise these designs in Scratch Jr using blocks of code. Finally, learners evaluate their work and make improvements to their programming projects.

Look out for information on helping your child stay safe online throughout the year.


 In Music...

The theme this term is friend, guide and support.  Children will explore music designed to make us dance and this will be discussed alongside the broader foundations of music. To accompany the unit, children will listen to and appraise a range of different songs from across many different genres and will also continue to play, perform, compose and improvise using a tuned instrument. Later in the term children will be looking at Nature Lover and Guardian of the Earth. Children will focus on the art of improvisation in music and will develop their improvisational skills alongside continuing to incorporate the key foundations of music.  Listening, appraising, playing and performing will continue (with the aid of tuned instruments).



In RE...

In RE children will learn about the 5 Pillars of Islam. Learn about how Muslims use the Shahadah to show what matters to them. They will explore how Muslim belief is put into action. They will be visiting a local Mosque, so they can understand what happens in a Mosque.

Children will listen to stories from the bible and the meaning of ‘Gospel’. Know that Jesus provided guidance of how people should behave and Christians learn this through Bible stories.



In PE...

Striking and Fielding:

In this unit children will be able to accurately pass and receive a ball with good control. They will be able to send a ball off a tee using a bat or racket. Children will be able to understand and play as a fielder, bowler and batsperson and use this to help them play in team games.

2C will be swimming throughout the summer term.


In this unit children will use two hands to send a ball to a target by throwing high, low near and far. They will know how to change a small part of their throw to achieve a greater distance.

Children perform jumps using different take offs and landings with control and balance. They will be able to estimate and measure the distance jumped. Children will be able to run with improved technique and running action. They will be able to show that they are able to travel using different speeds. They can show changes in speed and direction as they travel. Children can maintain a run over a variety of time lengths.



In Creative...

In Geography children will be securing their locational knowledge of the UK through their understanding of coastal towns and cities in relation to where they live. They will identify the seas surrounding the UK as well as any significant rivers. Children will learn to identify the physical and human features of coastal locations and how these differ from where they live. They will continue to build on their knowledge of OS symbols when creating their own maps of the localities studied.


In History children will learn how visits to the seaside in Britain have changed. They will continue to develop their chronological understanding by placing events, people and artefacts in order on a timeline without a scale given, as well as recall key dates, such as how the seaside was different 50 and 100 years ago compared to now. They will continue to develop the ability to use a wider range of historical sources, such as newspapers, to find answers about the past.


In Art & Design children will create a landscape painting of the seaside using watercolours. They will focus on composition in relation to the horizon line and introduce a figurative element through the ability to use shapes and simple lines to add images. They will develop their knowledge of tints and shades to create tonal variations of the sea and sky.


In Design & Technology children will make a textile pouch using their understanding of how to make a simple 3-D textile products using a template to create two identical shapes. They will understand how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue, over stitch, stapling.  They will also explore different finishing techniques e.g. using painting, fabric crayons, stitching, sequins, buttons and ribbons. Children will design a functional and appealing product for a chosen user and purpose based on simple design criteria and continue to generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas as appropriate through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and information and communication technology. They will select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as marking out, cutting, joining and finishing. as well as select from and use textiles according to their characteristics. They will continue to evaluate their ideas throughout and their final products against original design criteria.


In PSHE...

Children will, investigate what love is. Investigate different structure of families. Understand what makes a good online friend & need to be kind & thoughtful online as in the real world. Explain how others are feeling & how they show these feelings. Children will, understand how my actions may make others feel. Understand how to resist teasing or bullying. Explain different ways others can be teased or bullied & understand it’s wrong. Explain the importance of talking to someone if I am worried, hurt or sad. They will understand the difference between a ‘secret’ where I feel sad or uncomfortable and fun secret which makes me happy. They will then discuss the use of Cape's empowerment slogan 'No! Stop! I don't like it.' when I feel very upset about someone else's behaviour towards me. Listen & discuss the story about Little Bear, by Jane Evans.

Discuss & prepare to move to Year 3.









Your grown ups can help at home by:

-Bringing you to school everyday and on time. 8.30-3.30

-Reading regularly with you

-Practising your spellings with you

-Supporting you with your homework

-Attend meetings, workshops and Learning Together Days

-Ensuring all your belongings are labelled with your name and class.
