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Latest Government Update

We are sure after the Prime Minister’s statement tonight, there are lots of questions parents have. We have lots of questions that need clarification too.

At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the guidance. We will provide care for those parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response and only those that are listed in the ‘vulnerable’ group. The message is still that it is safer to stay at home.


We have not received any information to support us with the new plan to start the phased reopening of some year groups. We expect to hear further information and updates from both the DFE and LA in the coming days, which hopefully will provide some further clarification.


We need clear guidance to plan how it is possible to social distance in schools and keep our children, staff and families safe, how we will start to phase groups of children returning and what this looks like. Please be assured we will be 100% prepared for any reopening.


As always, we will keep you informed and continue to update our website with work for the children, set activities on Purple Mash & Education City and provide learning packs for those with limited computer access. We will continue to keep in contact with families and support each other. If we can be of any assistance then the school office is open daily between 8.30am and 3.30pm. There is always a teaching member of staff available to answer questions about work or find out answers to your queries. We understand there are still ongoing issues with FSM vouchers. Our staff are on hand to talk through claiming vouchers if required and if you are struggling with food during this very difficult time then please contact us to see how we can help. We can assure you that we are placing orders for e-codes for families every Monday, however it is taking up to 5 days for emails to be sent to parents. This is unfortunately beyond our control.


As the VE Day celebrations said on Friday “we’ll meet again” and until that time, stay safe and protect your wonderful families.


Miss Baker
