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PE at Cape Primary

"More Active, More of the Time"

The goal of Physical Education and Sport at Cape Primary School is to enable pupils to become more active through a curriculum that develops skills throughout their time at school. We aim for pupils to develop, not only fundamental skills linked to different sports and activities, but also life skills that they can use in the future and encourage, build and maintain healthy life styles. It is important that children develop an enjoyment in Physical Education and an understanding of why being more physically active will help them in their everyday lives. Physical Education and Sport at Cape Primary provides experiences that allow pupils to develop their competence, resilience and maturity in working alone, with a partner and within a team. We are dedicated to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and develop healthy minds.

Physical Education begins when pupils start in our Early Years Foundation Stage and are encouraged to develop their Physical Development through planned continuous provision activities and specific programmes which support and develop their fine and gross motor skills. Pupils develop core strength, co-ordination and balance to enable them to reach the Early Learning Goal.

The National Curriculum is then used to support Physical Education throughout Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.

Pupils in Key Stage One are encouraged to continually develop fundamental movement skills and become increasingly competent and confident in a broad range of sports and activities.

Pupils in Key Stage Two are encouraged to continually apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and link them to actions and sequence of movement. Pupils are taught how to enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other.

Pupils at Cape Primary have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills through a wide range of extra-curricular activities and sports, in house and also through inter-school competitions within the Smethwick cluster, allowing them to ‘show case’ their skills and build community links, through enjoyment and motivation of being ‘more active, more of the time.



Cape's PE Core Values


Confidence, competency, and competition


Active, healthy lifestyles


Physically active


Engagement in competitive activities 



At Cape Primary School we strive to ensure that all children progress against the National Curriculum objectives, but we also we endeavour to build on the children’s life skills and prepare them for future life beyond primary school.


This is how we achieve lifelong learning in P.E.



Future Life

  • For children to have an enjoyment of a range of Sports and Physical Education.
  • To have a healthy and active lifestyle that they can maintain themselves throughout their adult lives.
  • To be able to contribute to the wider community having gained the skills such as confidence, sportsmanship, resilience and determination that we have developed throughout Cape.
  • For gifted and talented children and those who wish, to take part in competitions (Olympics and adult football championship teams) in adults life and join adult teams.







End of Cape Primary School

  • Children to have developed at range of skills in multiple areas of the P.E curriculum.
  • Children to have a good baseline to strive in Secondary skill and build on their talents.
  • Children have all had the opportunity to join at least one extra- curricular activity throughout their time at Cape (afterschool, a lunchtime clubs etc.)
  • Children to have developed confidence, sportsmanship, resilience and determination in order to achieve and that they can apply to other areas of their lives.
  • Children are able to use their knowledge to determine what they are good at and then understand how they can improve.
  • An enjoyment of swimming.
  • To understand the need and fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Being able to talk about the effects of exercise on the body in detail (including different muscle names and technical terminology) and how this impacts on their lifestyle choices.





End of KS1

  • The children have a good awareness of health and safety in P.E and in water safety to allow them to thrive.
  • Children to have body awareness and the confidence to move in different ways (including agility, flexibility, coordination and stamina).
  • Children to develop team work skills and understand how to get the best from each other.
  • Develop the basic skills needed for the range of sports they will be exposed to in KS2 and life (e.g. throwing and catching)
  • Being able to talk about the effects of exercise on the body and life.


End of EYFS

  • Good core strength.
  • Good fine and gross motor skills
  • Able to dress independently and have developed a range of basic life skills
  • To have a good awareness of their own bodies and how they move.
  • To understand that their bodies change during exercise (becomes hot etc.)



Please look at the different documents below to see what we offer at Cape Primary 

Football Team

We have two football teams who represent our school. A boys team and a girls team. 

The teams have a mix of ages and abilities who train every Thursday after school and attend regular football matches and tournaments. 


