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Year 1




The teachers working in Year 1 are: 


1A: Mrs Neal, Mrs Wilcox and Miss Ola 


1B: Miss Hirst, Mrs Harwood and Miss Hamilton



Mrs Rowe and Mrs Hussain work across both classes. 




Our P.E days are:

1A- Monday and Wednesday

1B- Monday and Wednesday


You need to come to school wearing your PE kit. 


You will need: 

- a PE t-shirt (speak to your teacher if you need to know what colour you need)

- a pair of black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms 

-a pair of black pumps or trainers 

-a purple school sweatshirt


Please remember to remove all jewellery on PE days 

Your grown ups can help at home by:

-Bringing you to school everyday and on time. 

Doors open at 8.30

-Reading regularly with you

-Practising your spellings with you

-Supporting you with your homework (Numbots and Collins Ebooks)

-Attend meetings, workshops and Learning Together Days

-Ensuring all your belongings are labelled with your name and class.


Please ensure your child reads their ebook at home. Their new book will be allocated every Friday.  

If you have lost your childs log in details please talk to their teacher.


Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.

During the week beginning of Monday 9th June 2025, Year 1 children will take part in the Phonics Screening Check.


Please ensure you do not book any holidays during this week. 


Please continue to practise the phonics homework sent out weekly.



A parents phonic meeting will take place during summer term. Details to follow.

Curriculum Leaflet Spring 2025

Useful websites
