Excellence through partnership
Welcome to Year 2
Staff working in Year 2:
2A- Miss Chigara
2B- Mrs Flower
2C- Miss Collins
Mrs Devi, Mrs Sangha, Miss Celia and Mrs Hussain
Our P.E days are:
2A- Wednesday
and Friday
2B- Tuesday and Thursday- Swimming
2C- Monday and Tuesday
You need to have your PE kit in school. You will need:
- a plain colour t-shirt)
- a pair of black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
-a pair of plain pumps or trainers
Please remember to remove all jewellery on PE and swimming days
Remember to read your book on Collins hub every week.
Your grown ups can help at home by:
-Bringing you to school everyday and on time. 8.30-3.30
-Reading regularly with you
-Practising your spellings with you
-Supporting you with your homework
-Attend meetings, workshops and Learning Together Days
-Ensuring all your belongings are labelled with your name and class.
Useful Websites
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
Flash Academy
All Subjects: