Excellence through partnership
A very warm welcome to Year 6 from the staff
Mrs Woodall (6A - teacher)
Mrs Silk (6B - teacher)
Miss Hefford (6C - teacher)
Mrs Powell (PPA cover)
Mrs Kauser - LSP
Mrs Rahim - LSP
Welcome back. We hope you all had a wonderful break. It has been great to see the children come back looking enthusiastic. Just a reminder that homework is now through the use of TT Rockstars and Reading Plus. Children are expected to read five books a week in Reading Plus. Some of this will be completed in school during lesson time but it is expected that some of this is also completed at home. It is important that children use TT Rockstars as a constant reminder of their times tables (which feed into all other areas of Maths). Teachers within school will be monitoring individual progress of children. PLEASE come and speak to a member of staff if your child has struggled with the work and we will be happy to help. We would encourage you to read with your child regularly and record what has been read in their reading record. Please ask a member of staff if your child has forgotten their log in details. Your child will receive weekly spellings which will be tested every Friday. Please ensure your child comes dressed in PE kit on their allocated PE days.
Please take a look at our curriculum leaflet below to see what your child will be covering this term. If you have any questions, please feel free to come and speak to us.
Please ensure that your children wear the appropriate school P.E. kit to school on the following days:
6A - Monday and Wednesday
6B - Monday and Tuesday
6C - Wednesday and Thursday
Useful Websites for Home Learning
We have now removed the completed home learning lessons from the website. Here is a great list of websites you can use at home.
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
Reading Eggs (EYFS – Year 3)
Reading Plus (Years 3-6, site code is rpcapep1)
All Subjects:
Active Learn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk)