Excellence through partnership
A very warm welcome from the Year 5 staff
Miss Moss (5A)
Mrs Loveridge & Miss Chapman (5B)
Mrs Scott (5C)
Support staff
Mrs Kaur
Important Dates
04/09/24 School starts
14/10/24 - 16/10/24 Edgemond Hall
23/10/24 School Photographs
24/10/24 Learning Together Day
25/10/24 INSET DY (closed to pupils)
26th October - 3rd November- Half Term
04/11/24 5A The CO Crew (pm)
05/11/24 5B The CO Crew (am)
05/11/24 5C The CO Crew (pm)
21st December - Christmas Holidays
Useful Websites for Home Learning
We have now removed the completed home learning lessons from the website. Here is a great list of websites you can use at home.
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
Maths Flex (year 3-6)
Numbots (Y1-6) (same log in as TTRS)
TTRS (Years 1-6)
Reading Eggs (EYFS – Year 3)
Reading Plus (Years 3-6, site code is rpcapep1)
language angels (Years 3-6)
All Subjects: