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Year 4



A warm welcome from the Year 4 Staff!



4A - Mrs Robbins and Miss Cridge 

4B - Miss Edwards

4C - Miss Shah 

Mrs Myles 


Support Staff

Mrs Khan

Mr Taylor

Mrs Kaur






Spring Curriculum Leaflet

Autumn Curriculum leaflet

PE Days


4A Monday and Tuesdays (Mrs Robbins/Mrs Cridge)

4B Wednesday (Swimming) and PE Friday  (Miss Edwards)

4C Thursday and Friday  (Miss Shah)


Please ensure children wear the correct kit on each day:


  • Black pumps or trainers.
  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms.
  • A house colour t-shirt.


T-shirts can be brought via the school website.


All jewellery must be removed and hair tied back. 

Homework Routines:



  • Please encourage children to change home readers as soon as they have finished reading their book.
  • TTRS  
  • Spellings are sent home on Friday and children will be tested on these the following Friday. 
  • Reading plus https :// 

How you can help


  • Encourage your child to practice their multiplication tables 10-15 minutes each day
  • Help your child to practice their spellings, they can use their phonic knowledge to chunk unfamiliar words 
  • Listen to your child read and discuss the book with them
  • Encourage your child to use Reading plus and Timestable Rockstars
  • Attend workshops and Learning Together Days
  • Read the Year 4 Curriculum leaflet for topics covered each term. 


Please see the helpful websites, multiplication tables and spellings list below.



Important Information - Year 4 Multiplication Check

Important Resources

Additional Online resources


Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

Purple Mash - Cape

Education City

Collins ebooks (phonic groups only) 


All Subjects:



BBC Bitesize



Authors reading books

Book Trust

Oxford Owl



Maths Frame

DK Find Out - Maths

Maths Zone



DK Find Out - Science

Wow Science
