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COVID-19 - Update 19/03/20

Dear Parents/Carers,


You may have seen from last night’s government update, in order to try contain the current coronavirus situation a decision has been made to close all schools until further notice from Monday 23rd March 2020. Friday 20th March will be our last day until further notice. The government has stated that we should remain open for some groups of pupils, these include children of parents who have a ‘key worker’ role, children with EHCPs and children who have a social worker that works with the family.


We need to ascertain the children who will be attending school because their parent is a key worker. At the time of writing this letter we do not know who falls into this category. If you believe you may be a key worker then please contact the school office.


Miss Richmond will be in contact with families who have social care involvement or EHCPs to explain provision for your children.


Finally the government have explained that they want us to provide a meal for children who are able to receive a free school meal. The school office will be contacting all families entitled to a free school meal to see if you require a daily meal for your child during the closure.


We will continue to keep our website updated regularly with work activities and ideas and any changes to the situation. We will text all parents with key updates regularly


We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused during this very difficult time. We ask that you stay safe and if there is anything we can do to help then please ask. We will be endeavoring to make contact with every family at least once per week during this period of closure. The school office will be staffed daily between 8.30am and 4pm in order to answer any of your questions. We are here to help you all.


Kind regards and stay well,

