Excellence through partnership
There's been lots and lots of great musical things going on a Cape this term so we thought we'd share some of them with you!
Year 6 have been composing their own music using Garageband - watch this space to hear some of them soon! Mike from Boutique Recording also came in to run some extra Garageband sessions - to hear what the Cape Radio, Cape Voice and Cape Beats teams got up to go to the podcast section of the website!
In their music lessons Year 5 have been learning to sing rounds - click below to hear 5KM's version of 'Sing a Round'. We also sang special songs for Sing Up Day and Sports Relief in March.
Finally, on 1st April Year 1 took part in the Sandwell Music Pirates Ahoy event. We had a special singing assembly to teach year 2 the pirate songs, and then some of the children in Year 1 went to Uplands Manor Primary and had fun singing all the songs we'd learnt....I wonder which is your favourite pirate song?!
See the Useful links section to hear the Music files