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  • Class 4C bubble closure

    Fri 26 Mar 2021
    Unfortunately we have a positive case of COVID-19 in class 4C so the bubble must close and children must isolate until Friday 2nd April. Their return to school date will now be after the holidays (Monday 19th April). To access further information please click here. To access work and the class page then please click here.
  • A time to reflect

    Tue 23 Mar 2021

    Today marks one year since the first lockdown in the UK and as a mark of respect today there will be a national day of reflection. In school we are marking this by every child and staff member writing a sentence on a leaf to create a tree of remembrance. The past twelve months have been hard for every one, whether it be suffering from the disease ourselves or knowing loved ones who have. Losing family and friends to COVID, indeed we remember today Mrs Saunders, from the school office, who lost her battle at the start of the year.  We also remember the pressures of working from home, remote learning, dealing with job losses or financial pressures. 


    However, through it all, we have pulled together as a fantastic community and supported one another. Our children may well remember the virus in years to come, but hopefully they will talk about the memories of being able to spend more time with their families or the warm summer where they could go for their daily walk.


    Please remember, as hard as it has been, and the challenges we have faced, there are moments of good that have happened and we now have hope that in the coming months the vaccination programme will be rolled out to everyone and we will beat this virus, together. As our school prayer says, we are one community.

  • Commonwealth Games - less than 500 days to go!

    Tue 23 Mar 2021
    With less than 500 days to go until Birmingham host the Commonwealth Games in 2022, Perry, the official mascot popped in to introduce himself to the school! I'm sure we will be seeing much more from Perry over the coming months, especially with the swimming centre being based in Smethwick!
  • Class 3A - bubble closure

    Mon 22 Mar 2021
    We are sorry to inform parents that unfortunately we need to close the class 3A bubble, due to a positive case of COVID-19. Parents will be sent a letter outlining plans for remote learning and isolation dates. You can click here to access our COVID-19 information page and click  here to access the class page.
  • Family Testing COVID-19

    Mon 08 Mar 2021

    Did you know families of school aged children are entitled to free lateral flow tests?


    You can use these tests to check for COVID-19 in your family. School staff will be testing themselves twice a week so it will be really good if our families can also check so that we can keep everyone safe and avoid bubble closures. You do not have to be symptomatic to use these tests.

    You can collect Lateral Flow COVID-19 tests for your family any day 1.30pm-7.30pm from the testing centre - Car park, St Paul’s Road, Smethwick, B66 1EG. Click the link here to find out more.


    IMPORTANT: The lateral flow test kits are NOT for people with the three main Covid-19 symptoms (high temperature, a new continous cough or a change or loss of sense of taste or smell). If you have these symptoms you must self-isolate and book an NHS (PCR) test.

  • Great to all be back!

    Mon 08 Mar 2021

    It is wonderful to see all of the children back in school today. Whilst school has been open throughout lockdown we have only had a small number of children. So, it has been great to welcome everyone back to school today. 


    All of the children have settled well and their smiles have been infectious. Don't forget to return any work that children have completed in a plastic bag, clearly marked with their name.


    Remember, if any family member displays symptoms of COVID-19 then everyone in the household must isolate whilst waiting for the test result.


    Take care and stay safe!

  • Reopening of School March 8th

    Thu 04 Mar 2021

    Return to School Monday 8th March 2021


    Dear Parents,


    As you will be aware the government has outlined the road map to recovery following the most recent lockdown. This begins with the reopening of schools on Monday March 8th 2021. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to school next week but just wanted to remind you of a few important things before we do.


    The start and end times of the day remain the same as they did before Christmas. Doors will open in the morning between 8.30am and 8.55am for families to drop children off, children will go straight to class. Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will come through the main entrance. Years 3 & 6 the right hand doors on Durban Road and Years 4 & 5 the left hand doors.


    At the end of the day Years 1, 2, 3 & 4 will finish at 3.15pm and Nursery, Reception, Years 5 & 6 will finish at 3.30pm. The same one way system will be in place and we would ask that anybody collecting a child wears a face covering (unless exempt) and socially distances themselves from other adults and families.


    School lunches will return to the same schedule as before Christmas with a two week rota offer of hot meals. If your child is not in a year group that can have a hot meal then we would ask that you provide them with a packed lunch (NO NUTS in the lunches provided). All children entitled to a free school meal or universal free school meal will have a Sandwich option provided in the weeks when hot meals are not an option.

    Week beginning

    Children who may have a hot meal


    Reception, Yr 1, Yr 3, Yr5


    Reception, Yr 2, Yr 4, Yr 6


    Reception, Yr 1, Yr 3, Yr5


    Reception, Yr 2, Yr 4, Yr 6


    Children should bring in to school all of the work they have been doing during lockdown. This work should be put in a plastic bag, clearly marked with the child’s name. The work will be stored in a box before the teachers review the learning and feedback to children.


    The guidance remains the same regarding children and families who have symptoms of COVID-19. If anyone within the household displays symptoms then the whole family must begin isolation and the person with symptoms must get a test.


    You must inform school if a child or family member displays symptoms. DO NOT send your child to school if anybody in the house is symptomatic.


    If the child or family member receives a positive COVID-19 result then the whole family must isolate for 10 days. The 10-day period starts from the day after the first person in the house became ill.


    The symptoms of COVID-19 remain the same:


    • a new continuous cough
    • a high temperature
    • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


    However, Sandwell Public Health team have identified some additional symptoms that families should be mindful of and seek advice about getting a test if anyone displays the wider symptoms. These wider symptoms include headaches, aches and pains, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, stomach ache and feeling tired for no apparent reason. If a person experiences these wider symptoms (and there is no other obvious cause) then they can choose to have a test if they wish.


    How to stop COVID-19 spreading

    There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19


    • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
    • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
    • wash your hands as soon as you get home
    • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards


    We understand that some families may feel a little anxious about the return to school, this is understandable following the most recent lockdown. We can only reassure parents by saying that we have followed all of the government guidance regarding children attending school and will continue to do so. We all play a part in ensuring we minimise the risk of spreading the virus. If anyone has any symptoms at all then the most important thing to do is isolate the whole family immediately and get a test.
