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  • A message from West Midlands Police

    Mon 13 Nov 2023

    A message from West Midlands Police. Police and schools across the West Midlands are committed to working together to protect our young people from becoming victims of knife crime, but to do this we need your help. Being aware of the warning signs and understanding the importance of talking to children about carrying weapons is a significant part of our work in preventing knife crime, exploitation, anti-social behaviour and gang activity.

    Your child might not be involved in knife crime or be around those who carry a knife, but it’s important they understand the dangers and are equipped with the knowledge on how to report knife crime.

    How to have THAT conversation with your child:

    1. Find a quiet and comfortable time to chat
    2. They might be reluctant to talk to you. So open use a recent news event as a conversation starter.
    3. Discuss knives and how you both feel about them being used – you’re there to listen and support them.
    4. Tell them even when they feel they don’t have choices, they do.
    5. Explain that knives do not give protection. Carrying one could be a prison sentence or getting hurt yourself.
    6. Say the bravest thing to do is walk away from a dangerous situation.
    7. Explore excuses for your child to walk away. They might have to pick up their little brother, or arrange for you to call them if they send you a message
    8. Reassure them that most people do not carry knives.


    Speak to them calmly and explain the risks and consequences.

    Further advice on talking to your child about knife crime is available on our website: Other useful sites are:






    You may wish to contact a member of the Pastoral Team at school if you feel your child isn’t listening or is at risk.  They can talk through your concerns and plan a way forward together.

    If you or your child are aware that other young people in school or the community are carrying weapons, you should contact the police directly on 999 (emergency) or 101 (non-emergency).  If a crime is taking place or a life is in danger, call 999 immediately. Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via

    Thank you. West Midlands Police.

