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  • Learning Together Day

    Wed 25 Oct 2023

    Tomorrow is our learning together day, please make sure you have your appointment time to meet your child's teacher. We have a parent survey available for all parents to complete. It is all about working together to support our children. You can access the survey by clicking here. 

  • Last few tickets - Halloween Disco

    Sun 22 Oct 2023

    Don't forget the Halloween Disco this week! We have a few tickets left for the disco on Wednesday. You can buy your ticket on ParentPay!

    Wednesday 25th October 3.30pm-5.00pm.

  • Edgmond Hall - Day 2!

    Tue 17 Oct 2023

    During their adventurous trip to Edgmond Hall, the Year 5 children had an exciting day filled with outdoor activities. The day started with an archery session where they learned the basics of handling a bow and arrow. Under the guidance of skilled instructors, the children honed their aim and concentration skills, hitting the targets with precision.

    After the archery session, the children had the opportunity to visit the animal enclosures and feed the friendly creatures. They learned about the different animals' habitats, diets, and behaviors, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy towards the natural world.

    In the afternoon, the children engaged in a team-building activity by constructing their own shelters using natural materials found in the surrounding area. Working together, they demonstrated their problem-solving skills and creativity, building sturdy and cozy structures to protect them from the elements.

    To prepare for the evening's campfire, the children gathered wood from the forest, learning about fire safety and responsible wood collection along the way. As the sun began to set, they eagerly gathered around the campfire, sharing stories, singing songs, and enjoying toasted marshmallows.

    Throughout the day, the children not only enjoyed thrilling outdoor activities but also developed important life skills. They learned about focus and concentration through archery, nurtured empathy and responsibility by feeding the animals, and practiced teamwork and problem-solving during the shelter-building activity.

    The experience at Edgmond Hall provided the Year 5 children with memorable moments, fostering a love for the outdoors, and promoting personal growth and resilience.

  • Edgmond Hall Day- part 2!

    Mon 16 Oct 2023

    The children arrived at Edgmond hall safely and spent a bit of time settling in and finding out about their home for the next few days. In the afternoon they played some team games to help with team work and bonding. During the evening they went on a torchlight adventure through the woods, what a fantastic experience for everyone!

  • Learning Together Day!

    Mon 16 Oct 2023

    I can’t believe how quickly the first half term of the academic year is going. Everybody has settled well into the new school year and we are very much looking forward to lots of great things happening this year. Thank you to all of those parents that came along to our parent welcome meetings, they were very successful and the teachers really enjoyed meeting parents.


    At the end of the half term we have our first ‘Learning Together Day’ of the academic year. It will be on Thursday 26th October. This is a fantastic opportunity to come and meet your child’s teacher and discuss how your child has settled in to their new class and what targets are being set for the coming year. We will also be asking you to complete the annual Parent Survey at the meeting. School is closed for your child’s lessons on this day but parents must bring children along to appointments. It is vital you attend your child’s appointment so we can work together to achieve the best for each and every child at our school.


    Please complete the slip below and return by Friday 20th October 2023. We will then issue you with an appointment time. Any parents who do not return the appointment slip will be issued with an appointment time by the class teacher.

    Can I also remind parents that we have staff training on Friday 27th October so school is closed to pupils, followed by half term. We return to school on Monday 6th November 2023.

  • Show racism the red card

    Mon 16 Oct 2023

    This Friday (20th October) is our annual reminder to 'show racism the red card'. The event comes from football and showing someone the red card if they do something that is against the rules. Everyone can wear red on Friday as our way of saying no to racism in society.

  • Edgmond Hall - day 1!

    Mon 16 Oct 2023

    Our children have arrived safely at Edgmond Hall ready for their three day adventure. We will keep you posted about what they get up to each day!
